
Return to Sport Testing: Lower extremity

Imagine being a recreational/competitive athlete who has undergone a career changing leg injury. You go through a surgical procedure to get repaired, and after a few months of grueling rehab, you get discharged. They clear you to return to practicing and playing sports. You’re a bit lost because you have not done any “athletic” movements...

Stages of ACL Rehab

Stages of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rehabilitation  Generally, following an ACL tear, most individuals will opt for surgery. Recovery from an ACL surgery often takes months of PT in order to restore strength, mobility, stability, and return to sport.¹·² Although each individual’s recovery is different and the timelines may vary, ACL rehab generally falls in...

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling (or trigger point dry needling) is a technique in which a certified healthcare provide (ie physical therapist) will place a needle into a myofascial trigger point to elicit a muscle twitch. An individual may feel a twitch similar to someone flexing a muscle.  Myofascial trigger points are common in individuals with musculoskeletal pain....

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As a physical therapist who specializes in treating athletes, I’ve seen many types of sports injuries. I try to hear their WHOLE story and dissect where it could have gone wrong. Over time I noticed that certain themes came out of every story and I condensed them all here in this blog in hopes that you don’t experience an injury in the future.